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Construction of banks in the heart of Addis Abeba dubbed as the future “financial district”


Ayele Gelan, (PhD), special to Addis Standard

Addis Abeba, October 29/2018 – It would prove useful to re-iterate the fundamental reasons that caused popular uprisings in Ethiopia during the last few years, forcing the ruling party EPRDF to crack open and eventually begin to unleash the on-going reform.  The slogans held during those protests may vary but their root causes could be summed up under two deceptive ideologies of the EPRDF: democratic centralism and developmental state!

For the on-going reform to succeed, the two problematic ideological basis of the EPRDF governance must be simultaneously transformed. It seems this has not been happening. By now, we know what has been happening to democratic centralism. However, it is unclear to me what PM Abiy’s administration is intending to do with the developmental state model.