Update: Gambella state says security forces stabilize capital city after hours-long fighting against joint Gambella, Oromo armed groups

Picture of Gambella city posted by the press secretariat office

Addis Abeba – The Gambella regional government press secretariat office announced that government security forces have been able to stabilize Gambella city after hours long fighting against joint rebel group of “Shene” [Oromo Liberation Army] and Gambella Liberation Front

Both OLA and GLF/Army said in a statement this morning that they were conducting joint operation against government forces in the city.

In the latest statement the regional government thanked the people of the city “for their cooperation in the law enforcement” by staying indoors, the statement said the armed group sustained heavy causalities and property damage, but did not disclose figures.

Recalling that there had been a long-running exchange of gunfire in the city starting from 6:30 AM local time, the statement said more measures were intensified to “clear” and “totally eradicate” the remaining members of the rebel group.

The regional government said the level of the damage would be further announced and called on the public to “strengthen their usual cooperation with the security forces.” AS

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