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June 2019

From left: General Seare Mekonnen, Chief of staff of the National defense force of Ethiopia, Migbaru Kebede, the Attorney General of Amhara regional state Ambachew Mekonnen (PhD), President of Amhara regional state, and Azeze Wasse, Amhara regional state administration’s public organization advisor all in their

Mahlet Fasil   Addis Abeba, June 24/2019 – Migbaru Kebede, the Attorney General of Amhara regional state, died of his injuries while receiving medical treatment, the state television said. Migbaru became the latest victim in a wave of political assassinations that saw the shooting to death

Photo: Hawassa city A Sidama Nationalist’s View  Hailegabriel G Feyissa (PhD), For Addis Standard Addis Abeba, June 19/2019 - The Sidama question, one of the many pending questions of national self-determination in Ethiopia, appears to be back to the limelight of Ethiopian politics following the