

By Mirgissa Kaba, Feyera Senbeta & Girma Gutema Background The chronic contradictions of the Ethiopian state have been analyzed by various scholars both from the perspectives of history and political science. The renowned Ethiopian historian Teshale Tibebu dubbed it the “anomaly” and “paradox” of Africa in his

Elders of the Karrayyuu Oromo (Photo: Visit Oromia/Facebook) By Mirgissa Kaba & Girma Gutema Background Denialism is a cognitive and emotional process by which a person avoids facing reality as it exists when that reality is not in line with one’s own perspective of reality. In the psychology

Members of the Oromo cultural team during the 2023 Fiche Chambalala celebrations in Hawassa, Sidama (Photo: Abiy Ahmed Ali/Facebook) By Milkessa M. Gemechu (PhD) @milkessam Addis Abeba - Ever since Abiy Ahmed became prime minister of Ethiopia in 2018, there have been attempts to depict his political