Home2021 (Page 131)

June 2021

Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed (PhD), Photo: Personal Social Media Account of The PM   By Siyanne Mekonnen @Siyaanne  Addis Abeba, June 7, 2021- Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed said that Ethiopia is facing challenges from traitors from within as well as outsiders. At an inaugural ceremony of

Lake Hawassa fisher community By Etenesh Abera  @EteneshAb  Addis Abeba, June 7, 2021- Lake Hawassa is one of the jewels of the capital of the newly formed Sidama Regional State and former South Nation Nationalities Peoples Region, Hawassa city. The lake is famous for being a recreational

Photo: አስር አለቃ (Corporal/Private?) Mesafint Tigabu By Mahlet Fasil @MahletFasil Addis Abeba, June 5, 2021- The Judges at Federal High Court Lideta Branch 3rd Constitutional and Anti-terrorism Bench arrived at guilty veredict on one of the suspects involved in the assassination of General Seare