HomeSidama Referendum 2018Sidama Regional State

Sidama Regional State

UREA Fertilizer (Photo: Ethiopian Agricultural Business Corporation/Facebook) By Getahun Legesse @Birmaduu2 Addis Abeba - According to the Ethiopian Agricultural Business Corporation, Ethiopia has bought over 12.8 million quintals of fertilizer this year out of which more than 8.5 million quintals have arrived at the Djibouti port as of

Screenshots of incidents where government forces killed civilian on the record (Screenshots:Addis Standard) By Natnael Fite @NatieFit Addis Abeba - A graphic video of uniformed government security forces shooting two people, in civilian clothes with their hands tied behind their backs and facing away, in the back

Tsega Belachew (Left), Constable Yehualamebrat Woldemariam (Right) (Photo:Social Media) By Natnael Fite @NatieFit    Addis Abeba - An abduction of Tsega Belachew, a young accountant who works at the Dashen Bank in Hawassa city, in the Sidama regional state, by one of the bodyguards of the city’s mayor