Home2021 (Page 156)

April 2021

By Addis Standard staff  Addis Abeba, April 28, 2021 - Local authorities in Amhara Regional State, Wag Hemra zone, said an early morning military attack on April 25 in Abergele Woreda of the zone casued civilian casualties and property damage in the town of Niraq. The

Defendants from left: Bekele Gerba, Jawar Mohammed, Dejene Tafa and Hamza Borana of the opposition Oromo Federalist Congress (OFC) By Mahlet Fasil @MahletFasil Addis Abeba, April 28, 2021- The Federal Supreme Court, 2nd Appeals Bench held a hearing on the case of the defendants on

One of the private schools where teachers are complaining of unpaid salaries. Picture: internet By Etenesh Abera @EteneshAb Addis Abeba, April 28, 2021 - The coming May 4th marks the 6th month after the war between the federal government and the ruling party of the