Home2021 (Page 39)

November 2021

Picture: Industrial Parks Development Corporation Addis Abeba, November 02/2021 - U.S. President Joe Biden has informed the Congress of his decision to revoke Ethiopia's AGOA privileges as of January 01/2022 and that he will continue “to assess whether the government [of Ethiopia is] making continual

Suura: Hidhamtoota irraa Addis Standardiif ergame. Darajjee Gonfaa tiin  @DerejeGonfa Finfinnee, Sadaasa 2/2021- Lammileen Itoophiyaa Mana Hidhaa Saawud Arabiyaa keessa jiran rakkoo hamaa keessa jiran dararaa hamaaf saaxilamuu isaanii Addis Standarditti himanii jiru.  Saawud Arabiyaan lammilee Itoophiyaa eeyyama hojii qabanis ta’ee hin qabne “Godaantota seeran alaa'' jechuun tarkaanfii  hidhaa