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December 2022

A photo taken as far back as June 2020 shows "Daily laborers lounge outside cement retail shops in Abo Junction, waiting to unload cement deliveries that are few and far between." Photo: ©Addis Fortune June 2020/Archive By Molla Mitiku @MollaAyenew Addis Abeba - The normalcy of cement

Meskerem Abera. Photo: Ethio Niqat/AS-Screenshot Addis Abeba - Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) said Tuesday "Ethiopian police should unconditionally release online journalist Meskerem Abera and cease harassing members of the press." The Federal Police in Addis Abeba detained Meskerem Abera, founder and owner of “Ethio Niqat“,

Federal and Tigray military leaders meeting was concluded on the weekend of 12 November. Pictured: Field Marshal Berhanu Jula, Chief of the Ethiopian Defense Forces (right), and Lt. General Tadesse Worede, chief of Tigrayan forces (left), accompanied by Getachew Reda and Lt. Gen. Tsadikan G/Tinsae.