Home2022December (Page 15)

December 2022

Thousands of civilians are displaced from several districts in eastern Wollega Zone, in Oromia regional state, including the entire residents from 19 villages in Gida Ayana Kebelle (Pictured). Photo: OMN Addis Abeba – A new report by the United Nation’s Office for Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs

EV at a charging station in Addis Abeba - Photo: Ethiopia Electric Power/Faceboob By Mihret G Kristos @MercyG_kirstos Addis Abeba - Electric Vehicles (EV) are slowly gaining momentum on the roads in Ethiopia’s capital Addis Abeba, as the government exempted them from value added tax and excise

Dr. Tederos during Wednesday's presser. Photo: Screenshot/AS Addis Abeba – Tedros Adhanom (PhD), Director General of the World Health Organization (WHO), said Eritrean troops have killed his uncle and "more than 50" others in a village in the Tigray regional state, in Northern Ethiopia. Dr. Tedros revealed