HomeEthiopia in transitionEPRDF Merger (Page 3)

EPRDF Merger

Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed during a press conference on August 25/2019 in Addis Abeba. Ezekiel Gebissa, for Addis Standard Addis Abeba, December 05/2019 - In his Selections from Prison Notebooks, Antonio Gramsci famously wrote in 1930: “The crisis consists precisely in the

On Sunday December 01 eight parties constituting the new Prosperity Party signed the document marking the unification of EPRDF Girmachew Alemu, For Addis Standard Between revolution and continuity Addis Abeba, December 03/2019 - Ethiopia is going through a political transition to

Born in 1952 in Abuna village, Horro Guduru District in the then Wollega province, present day western Oromia, Dawud Ibsa Ayana’s actual name was Firew Ibsa Ayana. Dawud started his political journey when he took part in the Ethiopian Student Movement in the early years