HomeEthiopiaOppostion Parties (Page 44)

Oppostion Parties

Colonel Gemechu Ayana, Senior OLF Official. Picture: Mo'AA TV By Siyanne Mekonnen @Siyaanne  Addis Abeba, May 19, 2021 - Thirteen people including OLF leader Colonel Gemechu Ayana were reportedly taken by security forces after the court ordered their release. The Federal High Court 3rd Anti-Terrorsim

Defendants from left: Bekele Gerba, Jawar Mohammed, Dejene Tafa and Hamza Borana of the opposition party Oromo Federalist Congress (OFC) By Mahlet Fasil @MahletFasil Addis Abeba, May 19, 2021- The case of the defendants on Jawar Mohamed’s file was presented to the Federal Supreme Court,

OLA identified the three Chinese as "Mr Huang, Mr He, Mr Wang." Addis Abeba, May 15/2021 - The Oromo Liberation Army, OLA, said in a statement that its forces have "detained three Chinese nationals involved in mining operations around Mendi, West Wellega." There