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Photo: Hawassa city A Sidama Nationalist’s View  Hailegabriel G Feyissa (PhD), For Addis Standard Addis Abeba, June 19/2019 - The Sidama question, one of the many pending questions of national self-determination in Ethiopia, appears to be back to the limelight of Ethiopian politics following the Addis Abeba, April 03/2019 - The conflict that erupted around the boundaries of Melekoza and Basketo Special woreda of Gamo Gofa zone has left more than 37,000 people in need of urgent humanitarian assistance, the UNOCHA said.   “Ethnic Basketos who have been displaced from 11 kebeles of Melekoza

Caption: On November 02 2018, the southern regional state council deliberated on the earlier decision by the Zone request for a state.  Hoola Halaleho Ambaye Ogato (PhD), For Addis Standard Addis Abeba, February 18/2019 - With the coming of prime minister Abiy Ahmed and his