News : Dessie Mayor says expected number of IDPs 10 to 15 thousands as city prepares four temporary shelters; South Gondar Zone mobilizes residents against TPLF

Dessie City prepared temporary shelters for IDPs in relation to the ongoing conflict in Tigray
Photo: Dessie City Administration Communication

By Getahun Tsegaye @GetahunTsegay12

Addis Abeba, August 11/2021. Dessie City Administration in a statement shared on its communication bureau official Facebook page, announced that it has prepared temporary shelters for internally displaced people (IDP) in relation to the ongoing conflict in Tigray.

The statement said that the preparation of four temporary IDPs shelters were prepared. These include Kidame Gebeya General High School which was designated as station 01 to accommodate IDPs coming from Woldia and Gubalafto areas, it also said that Daudo General Primary School was prepared to be station 02 and is expected to accommodate refugees from Bala, Raya Alamata and Korem areas.

The statement went on detailing that Karagutu High School was set up as station 03 and would  accommodate IDPs from Mersa and Habru districts. Finally it was disclosed that Addis Fana Primary School will be station 04 and will be designated to IDPs coming from Kobo town and Raya Kobo area.

The administration called on all people, volunteers and leaders at the sub-city and kebele levels to cooperate and offer necessary support to those IDPs. It further thanked business owners who, according to the statement, have considered the current rapid increment in the number of IDPs  and are willing to provide support for them.

Abebe Gebremeskel, Mayor of Dessie City, spoke to BBC Amharic and stated, “A large number of people are coming from Mersa, Woldiya and Wurgesa areas.”

According to the mayor, the number of people who fled the ongoing fighting in North Wollo Zone is estimated to be between 10,000 and 15,000, he explained that the huge influx could inhibit collecting comprehensive data. 

The South Gondar zonal administration, on its part, announced that following the intrusion by forces allied to Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPLF) into North Wollo zone woredas of the Amhara region, the zonal administration has been engaged in a large-scale mobilization to control and secure the area. 

Kelemework Mihrete, South Gondar zone administrator, told  a local broadcasting outlet yesterday, “Because TPLF has arrived in the neighboring North wollo zone woredas and are advancing, efforts were being made to mobilize the people and use the security and defense forces to counter the group’s activities.”

Yesterday, Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed  called for complete mobilization against TPLF arguing that efforts made by the federal government to implement all means of peace and reconciliation were ignored by what he called the ‘terrorist’ group.AS

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