HomeArticles Posted by Addis Standard (Page 23)

Author: Addis Standard

During a subsequent house-to-house search, the police found a chunk of the fertilizer unloaded from the vehicle and stored in private homes. Photo: Amhara Agriculture bureau Addis Abeba – Amhara regional state agriculture bureau said the police intercepted a trailer loaded with 400 quintals of fertilizer,

Addis Abeba - The Ethiopian Human Rights Commission (EHRC) draws attention to the security crisis in Gambella region saying that the situation has severe consequences on human rights and that it needs urgent attention. The commission said in a statement on Sunday that the deteriorating security

The seven imprisoned OLF leaders (Photo: Social Media) Addis Abeba – Human Rights Watch (HRW) has called for the immediate release of seven Oromo opposition figures, which it says have been arbitrarily detained by Ethiopian authorities for nearly three years solely due to their political involvement. The detainees,