HomeArticles Posted by Addis Standard (Page 25)

Author: Addis Standard

Debre Damo, a historic monastery has allegedly been looted, and bombed during the conflict in Tigray (Photo: thetimes.co.uk) By Mihret G/kristos @MercyG_kirstos Addis Abeba – The Tigray war, which later spilled over to the neighboring Amhara and Afar regions, has resulted in the loss of countless lives, the destruction of historical

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy (Photo: president.gov.ua/) Addis Abeba – Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy held a telephone conversation with Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed days after Russia announced its withdrawal from the Black Sea Grain Initiative. President Zelenskyy also extended an invitation to Prime Minister Abiy to visit Ukraine.