HomeArticles Posted by Addis Standard (Page 96)

Author: Addis Standard

WFP food aid distribution in Tigray (Photo: WFP Ethiopia/twitter) Addis Abeba - The Tigray region Interim Administration (IA) has announced the establishment of a committee to conduct investigation into the aid theft that led to international aid agencies suspend their operation in the region. "In light of

Addis Abeba – Amnesty International has said that “media freedom has come under significant attack” in Ethiopia in 2022, with authorities arresting at least 29 journalists and media workers across the country. In a statement released on Wednesday, 03 May together with the Media Institute of

From Left: Redwan Hussien,Prof. Mohammed Hassan, Dr. Gedion Timothwos and Taha Abdii Addis Abeba - The week-long talks between the representatives of the Ethiopian government and the Oromo Liberation Army (OLA) that was taking place in, Zanzibar Tanzania, and described by Redwan Hussien National Security Advisor