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Tigray regional state

Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed By Addis Standard Staff  Addis Abeba, August 10/2021 - In a statement  released today, Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed discussed current affairs and issued a national call. The PM called on all forms of complete mobilisation against Tigrayan forces.  In his address to the

Women in waiting room at one of UNICEF offices in Ethiopia. Photo: UNICEF Addis Abeba, August 09/2021 – “UNICEF is extremely alarmed by the reported killing of over 200 people, including more than 100 children, in attacks on displaced families sheltering at a health facility and a

Samantha Power, USAID Administrator. By Mahlet Fasil @MahletFasil  Addis Abeba, August 05/2021 - USAID administrator Samantha Power finalized a day-long trip to Ethiopia without an audience with Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed. She however used her short visit to reiterate her earlier calls for dialogue and