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Tigray regional state

Supplies are brought into Um Raquba settlement in Sudan for refugees who fled from Tigray. Pictures: ©UNFPA Sudan/Sufian Abdul-Mout, November 2020 Please click here to download the pdf version of EHRC's latest report on Tigray Addis Abeba, January 20/2020 - The Ethiopian

Women and Children displaced by the ongoing armed conflict in Tigray. Credit: UNHCR-Hazim-Elhag Addis Abeba, January 15/2021 - Joseph Borrell, High Representative of the EU for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy & Vice-President, said the EU is ready to help Ethiopia "but unless there

On December 26, pictures have emerged showing the heavy damages sustained by Almeda textile factory, located in the city of Adwa in Tigray regional state. Pictures: Social media  Addis Abeba, January 08/2020 - According to two joint government-humanitarian partners’ assessment report released on January 07 "both missions have witnessed a dire humanitarian situation