HomeArticles Posted by Addis Standard (Page 122)

Author: Addis Standard

Baitona Abai Tigray leaders – Tsegazeab Kahsu (PhD) and Kidane Amen. Addis Abeba – Baitona Abai Tigray, one of the major opposition political parties and the only one to join the recently formed Tigray Interim Administration said that it is determined to continue peaceful

Meles Zenawi Memorial Park, Stone Path (Photo: Michael Tsegaye) Addis Abeba - Commissioned by the Meles Zenawi Foundation (MZF), international design firm based in Germany, Studio Other Spaces (SOS) has been working for the past ten years to transform Meles Zenawi Memorial Park, which covers 65 hectares

Addis Abeba- The Ministry of Transport and Logistics said its senior officials held a consultative meeting in with officials of the Tigray Regional State interim administration on ways to restart the land transport to the Tigray region. Two State Ministers from the federal Ministry of Transport