HomeTigray regional state (Page 40)

Tigray regional state

This week the Commercial Bank of Ethiopia (CBE) announced the start of full business operations in the capital of Tigray region Mekelle. Picture: CBE By Mihret G/kristos @MercyG_kirstos Addis Abeba - Tens of thousands of Tigrayan civil servants who have not seen their paycheck especially

Commercial Bank of Ethiopia, Mekelle Branch. Photo: Social Media Addis Abeba – The National Bank of Ethiopia (NBE) has begun distributing 5 billion Birr ($90 million) to banks in the Tigray region to enable them resume their much needed services amidst growing complaints from residents

PM Abiy and TPLF representatives met on Friday in Halela Kella, a remote area located in Dawro Zone of the SNNP regional state. Picture: Redwan Hussien Addis Abeba - The Peace negotiating teams of the federal government and the Tigray Region have met in