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Reviewed by Andrew DeCort 

Amidst strong competition, it’s debatable whether  deserved to win this year’s Oscar for Best Picture. But it’s undoubtedly a great movie, and it’s worth paying attention to for at least six reasons.

First,  doesn’t hesitate to expose the moral shadiness of the US’s relations with Iran as the backdrop to the 1979 Iranian Hostage Crisis. 

Ashenafi Zedebub

Nowadays, it is not at all strange to see women being posted at a higher – or even  at the highest top sometimes – level in either government or non-government organizations.  Today, we seen women named or elected to hold office of a prime minister, minister, bank president, CEO of  insurance establishments and other organizations; to see them appointed  as speaker of parliament, as a judge, as notary public, as editor-in-chief of mass media and what not.