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The first Ethiopian Diaspora Peace Conference (Photo: Kroc Institute for Peace and Justice) Addis Abeba - Members of the Ethiopian diaspora constituting representatives of communities from Somali, Oromo, Amhara and Tegaru have held the first Ethiopian Diaspora Peace Conference from July 21-22, 2023 at the University

(Photo: Adigrat University/Facebook) Addis Abeba – Adigrat and Aksum universities in Tigray region have recently announced the resumption of education for their regular students after a two-year interruption. Adigrat University has requested regular students, including postgraduate students who were unable to study at other public universities, to report to

Addis Abeba – Since the onset of a “reformist government” under the leadership of the ruling Prosperity Party in April 2018, Ethiopians are enduring a cocktail of deadly humanitarian crises, including wars and other forms of militarized violence that not only turned them against each