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His Holiness Abuna Mathias. Photo: EOTC Broadcasting Service Agency Addis Abeba - His Holiness Abuna Mathias, Patriarch of the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church (EOTC), cautioned that the current challenges the ancient church is facing in Oromia and Tigray regional states are "going beyond" the

Banner: OLA/Twitter Addis Abeba - Oromia regional state government said on Tuesday that it is working to ensure the continuation of the talks between the federal government and representatives of Oromo Liberation Army (OLA) which took place in late April, Tanzania, Zanzibar. However, the week-long talks

Six people have reportedly died of hunger last week in one Kebele alone By Mihret G Kristos @MercyG_kirstos Addis Ababa – The suspension of humanitarian aid to Tigray region by major humanitarian partners continued despite reports both by regional officials and residents of hunger and hunger-related