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Social Affairs

Ethiopian women smallholders are particularly disadvantaged because they have limited access to productive assets such as irrigation water, credit and extension services. Emma Orchardson Addis Abeba, March 01/2019 - Despite formal decentralization, agricultural services in Ethiopia are generally “top-down,”

partial view of houses demolished by Legetafo Legedadi town administration. 48 houses were demolished yesterday alone Mahlet Fasil Addis Abeba, February 20/2019 - The Legetafo Legedadi city administration, located in Oromia Regional State Special Zone Surrounding Finfinne, under the Oromia region, began demolishing more

Caption: On November 02 2018, the southern regional state council deliberated on the earlier decision by the Zone request for a state.  Hoola Halaleho Ambaye Ogato (PhD), For Addis Standard Addis Abeba, February 18/2019 - With the coming of prime minister Abiy Ahmed and his