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Social Affairs

MSF staff screen a child for malnutrition and illness at a primary health clinic in Shire, Ethiopia. ©Claudia Blume/MSF/Archive Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) medical teams are witnessing alarmingly high rates of acute malnutrition in Ethiopia. In Gambella region, the number of children under five being treated by

Jemo condominium in Ethiopia's capital Addis Ababa (Photo:REUTERS/Tiksa Negeri) By Molla Mitiku @MollaAyenew Addis Abeba - The recent implementation of a revised tax rate on condominium house roofs and walls by the Addis Ababa City Administration Revenue Office has sparked a heated debate and raised significant concerns

Elders of the Karrayyuu Oromo (Photo: Visit Oromia/Facebook) By Mirgissa Kaba & Girma Gutema Background Denialism is a cognitive and emotional process by which a person avoids facing reality as it exists when that reality is not in line with one’s own perspective of reality. In the psychology