HomeEthiopia (Page 154)


Houses demolished in Arba Arat area of the Legetafo-Legedadi district in Sheger city Addis Abeba - Officials in the newly established Sheger city of the  Oromia regional state have expressed plans to continue demolishing what they called “illegally built houses'' despite the rising grievances and complaints

Tigray leader Debretsion Gebremichael (PhD), Tigray Combatants Chief Commander General Tadesse Werede among others leading the IRA establishing conference (Picture: DW) Addis Ababa - The Tigray region has announced that it has finished preparations to establish Interim Regional Administration (IRA) pursuant to the Pretoria peace agreement

Taje Demeke, former chairwoman of the Gurage Zone Council and others arrested in the recent crackdown (Pictures: Social Media) By Biruk Alemu @Birukalemu21 Addis Abeba - Residents of the restive Gurage zone in Southern Nations, Nationalities and People’s Region (SNNPR) told Addis Standard that security forces have intensified