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Ashenafi Zedebub

It was only a few weeks before his death that Heinrich von Kleist informed Marie von Kleist, by letter, of “all sorts of ill-feelings.”

The German poet went on to say: “in this case I may perhaps let the art rest for a year or more and shall occupy myself with nothing, but music.”

It is as well worth noting what Kleist had to say with regard to poetry. Wrote he: “…I think the most important information on poetry is included in bass – lowest part in music.”



Preparations are underway for the first edition of ”Colors of the Nile International Film Festival” (CNIFF), aimed at celebrating African filmmaking for the first time and to give African cinema a vibrant platform and worldwide visibility. Submissions for screening and competition opened in May 2012 for all categories with a deadline for entry set on 15 of August for feature length films and 25 of August for short films.