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By Joanne Bruno (courtesy of Chef Marcus Samuelson)

The truth of the matter is that if you locked me up on a desert isle and told me I could only eat one thing for the rest of my life, every day, ever and anon…I would choose peanut butter.  There’s no doubt about it.  Peanut butter is, was, and ever shall be my ultimate favorite food group.  (Yes, you heard me right.  Food group.)

And while I don’t usually like to mince words with the things in life that make me happiest…I have a bit of a bone to pick with peanut butter and its calorie content.  How am I supposed to eat it every day of my life when it insists on behaving this way?  And on that note…how can I not?  Well, thankfully with this noodle salad, you can actually satisfy your peanut butter cravings without going on an all-out calorie binge.

More often than not, a cup of tea is all that what your body needs 

Faben Getachew

‘Tea is a cup of life,’ so goes an ancient saying.  It indeed is. The Chinese knew all too well about the health benefits of tea since ancient times, and have used it to treat many diseases ranging from headaches to depression. Nowadays tea consumption has markedly increased all over the world.

Tea is obtained from the leaves of the Camellia sinensis plant but we can find many varieties of it depending on growing conditions, harvesting time and the way the leaves are processed. Currently all teas fall under three big categories: Oolong, Black, and Green tea. Oolong tea is partially fermented and black tea is fully fermented. Green tea, on the other hand, is the least processed and thus rich in health promoting antioxidants.

Ashenafi Zedebub

It is not at all a rare occurrence nowadays to see women assuming a high post in government, public or private organizations.

Today, we see women named or elected to hold office of a prime minister, minister, and bank president, CEO of insurance companies and large establishments, as speaker of parliament, as a judge, as a notary public, as editor-in-chief or managing editor of mass media and so on and so forth.