HomeWorld News (Page 315)

World News

YAOUNDÉ – For many developing countries, foreign direct investment is viewed as something very positive. International companies can bring cash, skills, technology, and high ethical standards to a host country. But others do not always regard such investors favorably: many stand accused of political meddling, polluting the environment, labor abuses, and other unscrupulous practices. This debate is particularly animated with respect to Chinese investment in Africa – a continent with a long history of political, economic, and commercial exploitation by foreign powers.

Our U.S. correspondent Tomas Mega, from Nevada, chronicles giving Obamacare a try since it first went operational on Oct. 1st 2013.

 October1, 2013

My anticipation has been building for weeks.  Truthfully, I haven’t been this keen about something since I discovered on-line dating.  I am one of the 19 million Americans who buy their health insurance privately, at high rates, and today, October 1, I would be able to access the Nevada state Obamacare website.  The President promised me I would now have access to affordable health care and I am eager over the prospects of having some extra cash in my pocket.  If ‘RomanceAt60.com’ doesn’t deliver, Obamacare might save me some money to give ‘SeniorLove.com’ a try.