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Eyob Balcha, Special to Addis Standard (@EyobBalcha)

The “Developmental State” discourse is one of the most recurrent topics of discussion among the leading actors and decision makers of contemporary Africa. It is no wonder that the topic assumed a center position in the agenda of most meetings given solving the developmental quagmire of Africa has been one of the primary task among many.

For the first time in Ethiopian music history, a young man’s band is taking Gospel songs to another level

Zela Gayle


The 1960s in Ethiopia was an era of prominent musicians who gave live musical performances on a theatrical stage than that of today’s growing culture of bands performing in nightclubs supported by synthesizers. Dawit Getachew takes us back to that era with his new concert band.

Ethiopia’s journey to become a business friendly country will not be completed until after it produces a clean list of things to do and not to do

Bisrat Teshome, Special to Addis Standard, (@Bisree) 


On 16th of February AXIOS Business Services Pvt. Ltd. Co, a private company that organizes open coaching sessions, networking events and trainings on various business related issues to give “transformational experiences for thousands of business leaders in the country,” organized a national business forum held at the new AUC building in Addis Ababa in which close to 100 prominent business people and high level government officials came together and discussed what it means to do business in Ethiopia and what it takes to make Ethiopia become the next investment destination.