HomeAfrica (Page 914)


Most orthodox Libertarians just want the government to stay out of their life. That’s good Libertarian philosophy. Curiously though some seem to believe the government has a role to play in our bedroom                         

Tomas Mega

It was an early April day with temperatures approaching thirty degrees centigrade. That’s higher than it should be in the Mojave Desert for this time of year, and predictions are that it will soon hit the low thirties regularly, and climb.  After months of wonderfully mild, sunny weather and reasonably priced power bills, the thought of turning on my AirCon in April was rapidly ruining my afternoon walk with the dog. 

Kiram Tadesse

A new survey conducted by Selam Development Consultants, assisted by JGAM Donors in collaboration with the Federal Ethics and Anti Corruption Commission, revealed Ethiopia’s Customs and Revenue Authority as the most corrupt government office followed by the construction permit and land administration offices.

Entitled “Perception of the Level of Corruption by Foreign Investors in Ethiopia”, the study, which also aimed at identifying public sector institutions that are more prone to corruption according to foreign investors operating in Ethiopia, states corruption in Ethiopia has generally decreased.