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After ensuring the school was cleared of mines, Mengi Primary School in Tigray was reopened in October 2021 with the help of UNICEF (Photo: UNICEF) By Mihret G/kristos @MercyG_kirstos Addis Standard - A month ago, the Education Bureau in Tigray region announced a plan to resume schooling, which

General Abebaw. Photo: Sceenshot/AS Addis Abeba - General Abebaw Tadesse, Deputy Chief of Staff of the Ethiopian National Defense Forces (ENDF), said last night that the move to dissolve regional special forces was neither “to disarm”, nor “to dismantle” them; however “to reorganize” and “to reform”

Members of the Amhara region Special Forces. Photos: Social Media/AMC Addis Abeba- The Amhara regional state government has called on members of the regional special forces “to return to their respective camps or assigned workplaces and remain calm” while the ongoing “reorganization” works of regional