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The news item published on Addis Standard on July 9th saying “At least six Oromo university students were also among three journalists and two bloggers released from Ethiopian prison yesterday, according to various reports,” was incorrect as five of the six  students mentioned in the story are still in Qilinto, a prison in the outskirts of the city Addis Abeba.   


By Mahlet Fasil

After a year and three months since they were first detained by the police, charges were dropped this afternoon against Journalists Tesfalem Wadyes  Asmamaw Hailegiorgis and Edom Kassaye  as well as Zelalem Kibret and Mahlet Fantahun, members of the blog Zone9.


FBC, a pro government media outlet reported that charges were dropped only against five of the nine detainees by the order of the ministry of justice.   Prosecutors will continue pursuing charges against Abel Wabella, Natinael Feleke, Befekadu Hailu, Atinaf Berhane and Soliana Shimelis of Zone9 bloggers, the later charged in absentia.