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Infograph credit: Afrobarometet Ethiopia By Getu Teressa @GetuTeressa Addis Abeba, October 02/2020 - This is part II of a two-part article. Part I assessed specific contending narratives surrounding Ethiopia's federalism in order to provide a contextual framework for analyzing the Afrobarometer (AB) 2019/2020 Ethiopian study.  Part

Speaker of the HoF, Adem Farah. Picture HoF Medihane Ekubamichael @Medihane Addis Abeba, October 02/2020 - Adem Farah, Speaker of the House of Federation (HoF) says there are enough constitutional means to take measures against those endangering the constitution. According to the ruling party's affiliated FanaBC,

Data Illustration credit: Afrobarometer Ethiopia By Getu Teressa @GetuTeressa Addis Abeba October 01/2020 - Following the fall of the communist regime in 1991, Ethiopia embarked on a radical transformation of the hitherto centralized state structure. After the 1991–1994 transitional period, the