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Vital Strategies President and CEO José Luis Castro (left) and WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus at our VitalTalks speaker’s series event “Putting Money to Work to Prevent NCDs,” held during the week of the United Nations General Assembly in 2019.  Photo: Vital Strategies Addis

Ambassador Dina Mufti, Spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Photo Credit: MoFA Addis Abeba, February 10/2021 - In a statement it released on February 09, Ethiopia's Ministry of Foreign Affairs said "the Government of Ethiopia is deeply concerned by the statements the European Union is

Birtukan Mideksa, Chairwoman of NEBE . Photo Credit: NEBE By Siyanne Mekonnen @siyaanne  Addis Abeba, February 10/2021 - The National Electoral Board of Ethiopia (NEBE) has issued a statement requesting five regional states which failed to submit list of constituency offices per the Board’s timeline and issued deadline for cooperation. According to the Board, Afar,