HomeAfrica (Page 982)


 “We arrived in Yemen at midnight” says Jemale, a 20-year-old Ethiopian who left his home four months ago. His plan was to travel to Saudi Arabia in order to find work.“As we had heard stories of traffickers, we hid on a small mountain. The next day we tried to get some food. We met an older man and his camel. He told us that he was getting us something to eat, but he sold us to traffickers.

Hallelujah Lulie, Special to Addis Standard

It was a coup; a military coup. Though it started as a popular uprising and millions rallied against the Muslim Brotherhood and its democratically elected president Mohammed Morsi, at the end the saga ended with the unconstitutional and shortsighted intervention by Egypt’s mighty army. It was true that the Tamarod movement, which stands for ‘rebellion’ in Arabic, was a grassroots movement voicing legitimate demands of the public through constitutional means.