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Eyob Balcha, Special to Addis Standard  (@eyobbalcha )

The Ethiopian developmental state is getting a comfortable ground in the political economy of the country. It is preached almost every day that it is with a strong and committed political leadership of the ruling party that the current factual success is achieved. But this is happening at the expenses of a compromise particularly in citizens’ democratic and political rights.  This article intends to continue the conversation and debate on the Ethiopian developmental state model reflected in the last two editions of this magazine.

Since the opening of the Radisson Blu hotel in Addis Ababa in January 2012, the hotel has been known to welcome and organize a great number of successful events for its local and international clients. However, the hotel has not organized an event of its own yet and says “this is about to change” tomorrow Sep 10th, as it is preparing to host a party for Ethiopian New Year’s Eve that the management of the hotel hopes “will be remembered for a long time.”