HomeAfrica (Page 796)


Mahelt Fasil


Nearly a year and half since they were first arrested charges of terrorism against the five remaining members of Zone9 bloggers were dropped this morning. A federal court in Addis Abeba freed Journalists Tesfalem Wadyes Asmamaw Hailegiorgis and Edom Kassaye as well as members of the blogging collective Zelalem Kibret and Mahlet Fantahun on July 8th.

The Government of the Federal Republic of Germany committed 1,000,000 Euros until the end of 2015 to support the efforts of the World Food Program (WFP) in Ethiopia. The grant is given to provide emergency food assistance for Eritrean, Sudanese, South Sudanese, and Somali refugees in the country. With this grant WFP will provide food for refugees, targeted supplementary feeding for malnourished children and pregnant and lactating women as well as school feeding programs.

In a statement, the German Embassy in Addis Abeba said, “in addition, the fund will also be used to support income generating and livelihood diversification activities such as beekeeping, vegetable gardening and animal fattening.”