HomeArticles Posted by addisstandard (Page 732)

Author: addisstandard

Carlos Lopes The Green Economy is based on the premise that social and economic progress must be achieved in ways that will not exhaust the earth’s finite natural resources and that will cope with the concerns over lack of natural resources, environmental devastation, and climate change. The

The crisis in the Central African Republic is a tragedy not just for its people for us all. The sectarian violence setting Christians and Muslims against each other has torn apart communities and divided the entire country. We are witnessing a humanitarian crisis of immense scale. Close to a million people are without a home. Many are scattered around the country or have fled across the borders into neighbouring countries. Today, over half the population is in dire need of assistance.

The people of CAR deserve a better future. We cannot allow the Central African Republic to become a safe haven for criminals, terrorists and armed groups. Europe as much as its African neighbours needs to prevent the whole region becoming destabilised.